The Men’s Motorcycling Club of Indiana is an organization for gay and bi men in Indiana and neighboring communities who enjoy the sport of Motorcycling. Our membership comprises men who own and ride street motorcycles and trikes of various types. We are an active club that rides several times each year in season. We’re proud to have assembled a great group of guys that have fun in a close-knit, family-like environment. We are also strongly committed to riding safety.
MMCI is primarily a RIDING club, although we also have many social events throughout the year. During the riding season, MMCI organizes rides to points of interest and along scenic routes, some of which are perennial favorites and others which change each year. Each month throughout the calendar year events are planned and scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays with destinations determined by membership suggestions. The club sponsors at least one extended event during the riding season, which can be a weekend or week long. Additionally, many dinners and social gatherings are held during the year for members and their partners or significant others. Few members are able attend every event. We provide a full calendar so that every member has an opportunity to attend riding and social events regardless of their busy schedules.
Gay and bi men in Indiana and nearby states who are licensed owners of street motorcycles and trikes are welcome to apply for membership. Prospective members need to attend two events, one of which must be a riding event, before being invited into the club. We also offer a family membership for partners of riding members that is tied to the riding member’s membership. In addition, we require that all riders in MMCI possess a non-expired drivers license with a motorcycle endorsement. You can join MMCI with a learners permit, but you must get an endorsement prior to your 1st renewal date.
Each ride begins with a sign-up sheet logging all riders and an emergency contact. Then a quick review of safety hand signals and road riding protocol is provided. Most of our members have completed a riders’ safety course, and MMCI highly recommends this for any new riders.
Members are given access to the member’s only areas of the website where they can create their profiles, sign up for events, view photos of past events and more. Once in the club, a link will be provided for signing up on the MMCI web site. You can then complete your membership and make payment through the secured Club Express web portal. Each event, riding or social, has an event organizer who designates the specifics of the events, these are posted and members indicate which events they plan to attend by signing up on the website.
Click on the Contact Us link and send us an email. You will be contacted by our Membership Chairman about how to join. It is helpful to include a phone number, but not necessary.
We respect the privacy choices made by individual members. Members’ email addresses and personal information are never shared and only used for internal club purposes. Additionally members may indicate in their profiles if they do not wish their photos be visible on the website’s public page.